Thursday, July 12, 2012

Prayer & Organizing...

<p>This morning I woke up wanting to finally get our home better organized.. Well, I say better organized- what that really means, is that I am not organized at all so I've decided to organize our home! I should have done this before now but for some reason I have just been living with the clutter. I havent been motivated enough to get started until now. I used to do things so differently. I figured I wouldve had a groove by now but I havent even applied myself to be honest. I get distracted very easily. Why I felt the need to start this organizing right now is beyond me. My youngest sister is having her baby shower on July 21st and I am in charge of making the diaper cake, diaper monkey, blankets, and paper palm trees in.. Drum roll please........ ONE WEEK!!!! Yea, overwhelming right? So, I have my craft pantry in order and half of my room done. Now that I think about it, it doesnt seem like much BUT its a start! *Dont dis-credit yourself if it's not happening as fast as you'd like, atleast your getting something done!* I have been praying for God to grant me motivation to get my priorities done first. I even asked our pastor to pray for me about focusing better.

I should also be praying that I get everything accomplished right on time... Back to work I go!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Homeschool or Not?

Well, I have not seen my blog in a month short of 2 years. So much has happened since my last post. On March 19th of 2011 my husband and I got married. Noah did absolutely wonderful in Pre-K and that much better in Kindergarten. Katelyn is in Middle school and Glen will be going to the 4th grade. They have done wonderfully with their grades and have adjusted fairly well in the new environment of a blended family. Don't get me wrong, we have had our fair share of issues so far, and are sure to have more in the future, just as any other family will. The main thing we have going for us is our relationship with God and being able to talk with eachother.

This school year I am still debating on homeschooling my son. I have researched, prayed, worried, had heated discussions, voiced my opinions and listened to opinions from others. For some reason I just cannot shake wanting to homeschool him. There's a part of me that worries the education I give him wont be good enough, then the other part worries that the public school will have him around issues and other children that can influence him wrongly, public schools also dont teach children the importance of having a relationship with Christ. I feel as if I am supposed to be his teacher, I would love to teach him different things and just watch his little mind work. Please dont misunderstand me, I am not in anyway saying that school isnt good, because it is. I have friends that have flat out told me they could not homeschool their children because they do not have the patience for it. I believe I can do it, I'm not ignoring the fact that it would be challenging, but I know that with the strength of God I can do anything. I deeply desire doing what God wants me to do, knowing what would be best for Noah, for Katelyn and Glen also, but I'm not 100% in charge of their lives like I am for Noah. Their lives are extremely important to me, but I am not at liberty to make any decisions like this for their lives. If it were up to me I would homeschool them all. So, I am going to be praying for God to reveal what it is that I need to be doing.

On another note: My sister had her baby on July 3rd... I am officially Aunt!

Until Next time! Be Safe

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The First Day.

We started our morning off by waking up at around 5:30am Noah had his shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and I fixed his hair. He had the biggest smile on his face walking down our steps with his booksack on his shoulders, so eager to get to school. "Can I go to school now mom", "I dont want you to go to school, I'm not ready yet", "Mom, if I dont go to school I wont have any homework" "I can give you homewok at home Noah, or do you just want to be there like a big boy?" "Yes, that's it, I want homework and to go to school like a big boy." This was only part of our conversation on my way to drop him off for his first day of Pre-K. I have seriously considered homeschooling him because I am selfish and I guess also because I dont want anything to influence him in the wrong way. I can't shelter him though, he has an independent mindset and I honestly think he believes he is older sometimes.

He walked into the room with his head held high, handing the teacher his booksack. When she asked him what all was inside his backpack they spoke for a minute, going over every item, and then she showed him his desk. He immediately sat down and started coloring on his paper, only looking up at me once for a smile at my camera. I felt so out of wack this morning dropping him off. I managed not to cry somehow, it made me feel so much better knowing that he was happy to be there. As I was walking away from his class room I remember thinking "I cannot believe time has flown by so quickly, and God please don't let him start acting like a dinosaur." I'm thankful Glen was with me for the first day, he doesnt know it but he made me feel a bit better. I'll have to thank him for it later. Glen was jumping around and doing the same boyish things as Noah, somehow that gave me comfort.

Now, on my way to pick up Noah I felt as if I couldnt get there fast enough, as if time had suddenly slowed down for that particular moment. I found myself skimming through all the kids until finally I saw his face, he noticed me and had the biggest grin I have ever seen. Thats a moment I wish I had captured on film. Noah jumped in my car "Mom, I have homework!" he said full of excitement "you do?" "yes ma'am look at this" as he holds up a blue car tied with yarn around his neck so that his teachers know he is a car rider. Matter of fact I need to find out where he put that thing, they are to where those everyday. As we got home, Katelyn and Glen were picked up by their mother, Noah ran inside to open up his booksack to show me what was inside "Mom LOOK!" I giggled as he held up his planner and his blue folder "HOMEWORK!" I sat down beside him on the couch as we looked through his things "can I do my homework now?" "oh, honey you dont have homework tonight" "aww why not?" "well, the first couple of days is time to get to know your teacher and see what you do in class" "aww man". He is so excited about having homework! lol maybe he will keep that up after he has to do it every day.

As the night came to an end I took Noah for some ice cream at sonic, we sat in the car and talked then came home. I asked if he wanted to shower tonight or in the morning before school, he says "in the morning, but I dont want to go to school" "why not I thought you liked it?" "I did, but I went today" I laughed as I explained that he would be going to school everyday, his response "oh." So, tomorrow I will see how it goes, it will be his second day, but my first alone.

Until Next Time
Be Safe<3

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Little Man.

Like many mothers, there comes a day when the child that we carry inside our bodies starts to do more and more things on their own.. becoming more independent each and every day.

Tomorrow will be the day that my 4 year old little boy starts Pre-K. I am so nervous about this. Noah has not been to a daycare in about 2 years, we have been together pretty much everyday except for the weekends he is with his dad and Grandma Jackie. He is so full of energy and a major goofball, I have a feeling I'll have the class clown. He is so much like me it's not even funny, you know those curses that our parents put on us when we were younger "When you have a child they are gonna be just like you". Yep.. that one! All I can say to that is THANKS MOM! Lol.

My two soon to be step children (Glen, 7 & Katelyn, 11) are a great help to me. I took Glen to the doctor today and he isn't going back to school until Thursday, so he will be with me while dropping off Noah. I am so grateful that I have all three of my munchkins. Noah, since I found out I was pregnant, has always been my source of strength when I wasn't completely dependant on God yet. There is just something that happened to me when I gave birth to him, it's like I became a different person all together. I became who I needed to be, who I desired to be but didn't have the strength to without him. God certainly works in mysterious ways, I know it sounds clique to say that I wouldn't know where I would be if it weren't for him, but really it is so true. Noah has been my reason for living so many times when I just wanted to give up, God has used this little boy in my life so miraculously several times. It's amazing sometimes my son drives me utterly crazy and yet all he has to do is smile, or say yes ma'am in the sweetest accent (of course I melt). I'll be sitting down after eating a plate of food and on occasion without me asking he will walk up and grab my plate to bring it to the sink. =) Today everyone was sitting down watching a movie and Noah decided to take the water from cases and put them in the refrigerator so they would be cold. Glen went and helped him once we noticed what he was doing. The things like this that he does are the moments I'll treasure forever. I pray that God keeps him a good hearted boy that will turn to a good hearted man...

Anyway, I have Noah's school supplies in the rocking chair for in the morning, his outfit laid out on the couch and his shoes waiting by the door. I'll need to keep reminding myself that he is growing up, he will not need me forever, but he will always know my love. What is it about the first day of school that makes a parent become teary-eyed? Why can't the day be celebrated as.. well, I can't even think of the word/phrase or whatever it should be, all I can do is pray that he will do fine, pray that nothing hardens his heart or influences him in the wrong way, pray for myself to train him in the way that he should go.

Well, I will most likely let everyone know how I turn out tomorrow, and I will for sure have many, many pictures on face book of this event.. I wanted to say wonderful but I'm not too sure of how I feel about it just yet.

Until Next Time...
Be Safe <3